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Email: sales@bondsil.com


Addr: H Building ,Xinwei The 3rd Industrial Park,Dalang Street,Longhua New District , Shenzhen City ,Guangdong Province ,China


02 Jun 2020

Silicone adhesives are supplied as a one-part or two-part system. The first system is profitable to cure through damp in the intelligence or heat through UV or EB radiation, and the second system demand the augmentation of a curing factor and the mingle of the two components.

The hie energy of the siloxane bonds gives silicones sole exalted constitution exploit properties. They remedy to soft thermoset elastomers with admirable owndom retention over a distant temperature roam. The complete curing for thick paragraph of silicone takes a few days, but the strength may last to enhance for several weeks. This is due to the late reaction between reactive groups on the silicone polymer and the reactive block on the substrate epigene even though the cross-linking revulsion inside the silicone appear readily.Silicone adhesives can be categorized correspondingly to their curing reaction. The moisture curing silicones are the most serious silicone adhesives. They can also be categorized by their by-outcome: acetoxy silicones fetters off acetic acrid (but promotes consumption), oxime silicone gives off methyl ethyl ketoxime (they have lower adhesion and slower curing backlash), and alcoxy silicones give off alcohol. The latter is the cream in this group since they curacy roundly and develop pious concurrence to many substrates.

contact us


+0086 -180 9899 4276 Gary Lee

+0086 -135 0281 9396 Wendy Wei

+0086 -138 2374 7978 Kyler Yang


+86 755 8147 8872


H Building ,Xinwei The 3rd Industrial Park,Dalang Street,Longhua New District , Shenzhen City ,Guangdong Province ,China


Technical support:lamp-magic