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02 Jun 2020

The silicone industry extensively uses the platinum-catalysed hydrosilation reaction in which a silicon-hydrogen (Si-H) bond is added across an unsaturated carbon-carbon double bond (C=C) of an olefin, resulting in the formation of a silicon-carbon (Si-C) bond.

Hydrosiliation can be used for the synthesis of monomers; for example, Figure 1 shows the addition of a methyl dichlorosilyl-substituted compound, which, upon hydrolysis, gives a polymer, polysiloxane, with hydrocarbon, functional groups.

Crosslinked silicones obtained by platinum catalyst are used in many applications, such as: automotive gaskets, paper release coatings, pressure sensitive adhesives, and baby bottle teats, to name a few.

Crosslinked silicones

The oxygen substitutes a silicon atom and the superscript is used to describe substitution at silicon. Methyl as in Mvi refers to vinyldimethylsiloxane, D is dimethylsiloxane and DH is methylhydrogen siloxane.

The formulation of platinum cure silicone rubber must address the following issues:

Strength Unfilled silicone rubber has extremely poor mechanical properties and will crumble under the pressure of even a fingernail. The most effective reinforcing filler is hexamethyldisilazane treated, fumed silica. If the clarity is important in the application, the reinforcing resin must be different.

Hardness The higher the density of the crosslink, the higher the hardness of the silicone rubber.

Consistency This depends on the viscosity of the base rubber and the variety of low surface area fillers, for example, calcium carbonate and precipitated silica.

Time of cure The selection of platinum catalyst generally controls the preferred temperature of cure. Platinum in vinyldisiloxanes is usually used in room temperatures curing. Platinum in cyclic vinyl-siloxanes are used in high temperature curing.

Work time Is related the speed of cure. Apart from temperature, moderators (or retarders) and inhibitors are used to control the work time. Moderators slow, but do not stop, the platinum catalyst. Inhibitors stop or shut-downplatinum catalyst.

Shelf life In a fully compounded silicone, the shelf life can be affected by moisture, differential adsorption of reactive components by fillers, and inhibitory effects of trace impurities.

Compounding All but the lowest consistency silicone rubbers are typically compounded in sigma blade mixers, two-roll mills, or, for large scale production, twin-screw extruders.

contact us


+0086 -180 9899 4276 Gary Lee

+0086 -135 0281 9396 Wendy Wei

+0086 -138 2374 7978 Kyler Yang


+86 755 8147 8872


H Building ,Xinwei The 3rd Industrial Park,Dalang Street,Longhua New District , Shenzhen City ,Guangdong Province ,China


Technical support:lamp-magic