TPU Primer CL-25T
21 Jul 2021
In Circustances where negative adhesive on occur between bonding of TPU with PC , ABS , plastics afte r the use of instant glue , CL -25T ,As as si stant o f instant gl ue , would activate the ine rtia of TPU surfaces ,Con sequently user will optimize the bonding performance with it . prime r ba se coating , ea sy applicati on .
Physical Properties
Appearance Transparent Liquid
Viscosity Less than 5mPa.S
Specifical Gravity(KG/L) 0.8
Storage Time 6 Months
Bru sh the CL -2 5T Base p rime r coating on the TPU su r faces to acti vate the su r faces , Best adhe si on will be reached a fte r 10 - 40mi nutes
Appl y the instant gl ue on the su r faces-acti vated TPU , Pres s toget he r the bonding areas , Optimised adhesi on will be reached a fte r 24 hours.