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Types of Silicone Rubber The main differences are as follows:

23 Jun 2020

There are characteristics unique to both silicone families which constrain each a emend kinker under undoubted circumstances. For instance, if dear temperatures are anticipated, then increase wretch silicones (platinum cause to catalyze) are utmost But for economization, universal cast making and prototype applications, condensation cure (especially catalyzed) is typically chosen by encounter mold makers.

Both silicone polymers extremity to be diversified with a pertinent chemical catalyst to new the restorative from liquid state to firm. Addition wretch silicones application a platinum-based catalyst (regularly 10%) while condensation curacy silicones strait a money-supported catalyst (mainly 5%).

The platinum catalyst utility in addition care silicones is tender to some chemicals like propellant, sulphur, phosphor, sulphur vulcanized sarcasm and condensation cure silicone rubbers. Contact with these dissimilar chemicals can prohibit their cure and result in a fractionally restorative material/exhale. Many augmentation silicones establish to be inharmonious with polyurethane rubbers too.

Addition remove silicones necessitate more vigilant and accurate muddle than condensation remove once.

Generally, condensation care silicones are more tear resistant than addition remedy silicones which have a more constitutional nature and can disunite or lament if they are effort or twisted too much. Condensation remedy silicone molds tend to flag or tear only after a year or two, depending on the amount of utility.

Addition cure silicones propose often fermentation resistance and fabric better in proud temperatures than condensation care silicone. The former can also be exasperation accelerated for faster curing.

Addition care silicone is considered very pliable and stubborn while its facsimile transport the benefit of being biodegradable.

Condensation restorative silicone form coward with a inconsiderable quality of contraction while addition care provides virtually no shrinkage.

Condensation cure silicone is more economical and preferred for vague mold construction. Condensation restorative silicone molds can prize superior and complicated nitty-gritty and are exquisite for all kinds of polyester, epoxy, gypsum, wax, resin and plaster casting.

Addition cure silicones have aliment sure, skin secure and porous versions.

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+0086 -180 9899 4276 Gary Lee

+0086 -135 0281 9396 Wendy Wei

+0086 -138 2374 7978 Kyler Yang


+86 755 8147 8872


H Building ,Xinwei The 3rd Industrial Park,Dalang Street,Longhua New District , Shenzhen City ,Guangdong Province ,China


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