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Addr: H Building ,Xinwei The 3rd Industrial Park,Dalang Street,Longhua New District , Shenzhen City ,Guangdong Province ,China

What are Silicone Antifoams used for?

15 May 2020

Whenever liquids are moved, plimsoll or agitated there is a peril of heady being developed. Large total of foam will often slow down the performance process, inhibit chemical reactions and reduce production act.

KANGLIBANG make both silicone and no-silicone antifoams.

Applications end:

Adhesive product

Food lavatory

Detergents, laundry and shininess formulations

Pharmaceutical and provisions accomplishment processes

Petrochemical and agrochemical industry

Textile and leather assiduity

Pulp and writing fruit

Wastewater treat generate

Paints, crust and dispersions formulations

contact us


+0086 -180 9899 4276 Gary Lee

+0086 -135 0281 9396 Wendy Wei

+0086 -138 2374 7978 Kyler Yang


+86 755 8147 8872


H Building ,Xinwei The 3rd Industrial Park,Dalang Street,Longhua New District , Shenzhen City ,Guangdong Province ,China


Technical support:lamp-magic